Page 101 - OTF Spring-Summer 2023 Programme Catalogue
P. 101



 around the world    hawaii rescue: code red  iceland from above    journey to everest

 in 300 days
 Following  the  United  States  Coast  Guard,  Hawaii  Air   Iceland  -  A  land  of  ice  and  fire.  It’s  Europe’s  second-  The 1924 attempt on Everest remains cloaked in
 National Guard, Mountain Rescue, Fire Department   largest island and most sparsely populated country.   mystery, as it is still unknown whether Mallory & Irvine
 The Golden Globe Race is the world’s most challenging   and  Lifeguards, this dynamic factual series joins the   With 130 volcanoes, 3000 miles of coastline, hundreds   made  it  to  the  top  before  they  died.  But  even  the
 race where amateur sailors risk it all for one shot at the   heroes in helicopters and on jet ski’s that risk life   of rivers, and one tenth of the land taken up by glaciers,   journey to get to Everest was a daring, groundbreaking
 dream. Only 6 people have ever completed it. In 2022,   and limb to save vacationers in this deadly paradise.   Iceland has some of the most extraordinarily beautiful   adventure. To tie in with the 100th anniversary,
 sixteen salty seafarers set sail around the world, alone,   From the Ocean Rescue teams fighting 20ft waves to   landscapes on Earth. The only way we can truly   mountaineer Jake Norton takes a celebrity on an epic
 non-stop, without any technology. ‘Around the World in   pull surfers from deadly swells, to Mountain Rescue   appreciate these spectacular vistas is by looking down   voyage across the world to reach Everest, retracing the
 300 Days’ follows these charismatic dreamers as they   searching for hikers on the volcanic mountains. This is   from an aerial perspective. This is ‘Iceland from Above’.  route of the infamous 1924 expedition.
 brave 50 ft swells, battle Don the crusty race organizer, and   ‘Hawaii Rescue: Code Red’.
 survive dramatic shipwrecks.

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 Duration  Credits   Definition   Delivery   Duration  Credits   Definition   Delivery   Duration  Credits   Definition   Delivery   Duration  Credits   Definition   Delivery
 1x90’   Fathom Film   4K  12 months from   6x60’  Rare TV    4K  7 months from   2x60’   Sagafilm  4K  12 months from   3x60’  Little Bird Films  4K  12 months from
 6x60’  Group  green-light  green-light        green-light                                               green-light

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