Page 106 - OTF Spring-Summer 2023 Programme Catalogue
P. 106



        CRIME                                                     SCIENCE                                                      SCIENCE                                                     SCIENCE
        terror hunters                                            21st century                                                 proteus                                                     the real cost of

                                                                  superstructures                                                                                                          delivery
        This series brings us the inside story on bringing down the                                                            Fabien Cousteau, the eldest grandson of famed
        most dangerous geopolitical terrorists of our time, Viktor                                                             aquanaut Jacques Cousteau, is building the equivalent
        Bout and Paul Leroux.  With unique access to the United   The engineering feats of the 20th century were iconic        to the world’s first underwater space station - Proteus.    Over 3,200 packages are shipped every second around
        States Special Ops team set up by the DEA, each episode   - think of the construction of the Empire State Building     Scheduled  to  be  built  by  2025,  and  located  off  the   the world. We get whatever we want delivered to
        will dive into the epic untold story of how these “beat cop”   or the Hoover Dam. Such ingenuity hasn’t faltered in the   coast of Curacao in the Caribbean, Proteus will provide   our doorsteps, free of charge. With transportation
        type  agents  managed to outwit and out manoeuvre some    21st century, which is full of awe-inspiring engineering     unprecedented access to scientists hoping to discover       accounting for 30% of greenhouse gas emissions and
        of  the worlds most intelligent and treacherous minds.    achievements that are equally extraordinary and ground-      deep-sea secrets for creative solutions to modern-day       most “recyclable” packaging ending up in landfills, ‘The
                                                                  breaking! These incredible ‘superstructures’ were made       issues,  from  renewable  energy  solutions  and  future    Real Cost of Delivery’ explores how our obsession with
                                                                  in the 21st century, using innovative new engineering        medicines and cures to sustainable food sources.            convenience and addiction to consumption is killing the
                                                                  techniques, ready to meet the environmental challenges                                                                   environment and asks what we can do to stop it?
                                                                  of the modern world.

             WATCH VIDEO                                               WATCH VIDEO                                                  WATCH VIDEO                                                 WATCH VIDEO

        Duration     Credits       Definition   Delivery          Duration     Credits       Definition   Delivery             Duration     Credits       Definition   Delivery           Duration     Credits       Definition   Delivery
        6x60’        Steel Spring    4K        9 - 12 months      6x60’        otf studios   4K          12 months from        1x90’        otf studios   4K         36 months from       1x75’        Markham       HD           12 months from
                     Pictures                  from green-                                               green-light           3x60’                                 green-light                       Street Films               green-light
                     / otf studios             light
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