Page 11 - OTF Spring-Summer 2023 Programme Catalogue
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 history’s ultimate influencers  the people vs the klan

 Discover the life and impact of the most prominent figures   Duration  Discover the true story of Beulah Mae Donald, who took down   Duration

 of the 20th century.   4x60’  the Ku Klux Klan after the brutal murder and lynching of her son.   4x60’
 Credits                                                                                Credits
 We  see  how  each  giant  of  influence  rose  to  absolute  notoriety,  drawing   A CIC Production for   Michael Donald was just nineteen when he was found dead, hanging from a tree   CNN
 comparisons between the motivating forces in their lives and the strategies   otf studios  in Mobile, Alabama, on March 21, 1981. The leaders of the local Black community
 that spread the word of their reputation as legendary individuals.  This series   YOP   suspected it was a Klan lynching, but local law enforcement was slow to   YOP
 examines who these world changing characters really were, what their early   2022  acknowledge the murder was racially motivated. When the investigation stalled,
 lives  were  like  and  which  events  and  people  influenced  them  to  become   Definition   Beulah Mae, and local Black leaders refused to back down until Michael’s killers   Definition
 incredibly powerful, growing their following to astounding numbers and   HD  and the hateful organization they belonged to were brought to justice.  HD
 cementing their names as one of ‘History’s Ultimate Influencers’.


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