Page 13 - OTF Spring-Summer 2023 Programme Catalogue
P. 13

NEW  •

 truthseekers  unearthed: ancient murder mysteries

 Throughout history certain civilisations, events and objects have   Duration  An exciting, stylish series that explores history through the unique   Duration

 fascinated and inspired us to dig deeper, climb higher and go   12x60’  angle of criminal psychology and forensic anthropology.  6x60’
 further on our endless quest to be the first to uncover the truth.  Credits            Credits
 Big Media in    ‘Unearthed: Ancient Murder Mysteries’ travels back in time to iconic epochs   otf studios /
 co-production                                                                          Curiosity
 In this series, we look at some of the most iconic mysteries of the world. We go back   with RMC Story  and cultures to re-tell the stories of infamous and little-known murders in a
 to the beginning to see how myths passed down through time have become some   totally fresh way... and possibly solve some of the mysteries surrounding them.   YOP
 of the greatest mysteries we know today. If we’ve learned anything, it’s that where   YOP   Time has turned most evidence to dust, but can today’s modern psychological   2022
 there is mystery there will always be ‘Truthseekers’, people that will stop at nothing   2023  knowledge be used hand in hand with new forensic developments, to   Definition
 to uncover the truth behind myths and legends.  Definition   understand the last actions of ancient victims and theorise on the motives of   4K
 HD         their killers? Does human nature change?


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