Page 43 - OTF Spring-Summer 2023 Programme Catalogue
P. 43

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 WATERBEAR  WATERBEAR  WATERBEAR                                    WATERBEAR
 greenwash, explained   intersections  the last of my kind          mame coumba bang

 with hamsters
 ‘Intersections’  is  a  film  that  digs  into  the  term   One hundred and sixty species have become extinct   At  the  mouth  of  the  Senegal  River  dwells  a  volatile,
 ‘Intersectional Environmentalism’ - an inclusive version of   over the past decade. FaithInvest’s Martin Palmer leads   shape shifting spirit, who has lived in harmony with the
 What’s the difference between green action and green   environmentalism that advocates for both the protection   a service to mourn them: he believes humanity must   community  for  years,  controlling  the  flow  of  the  river,
 “action”? We’ve recruited a team of climate-conscious   of people and the planet. Through a discussion between   grieve to acknowledge the harm done. Like it or not,   enabling them to fish and bathe in the dangerous waters.
 hamsters to explain how to spot businesses and industries   Leah Thomas - a young activist, and Betty Reid Soskin -   human beings have the power to destroy or protect life   In a city often described as ‘ground zero’ for climate
 that are greenwashing. Exploring our furry friend’s   the  USA’s  oldest  Park  Ranger,  the  two  women  discuss   on Earth, and Martin asks us all to consider what the   change, many believe the constant flooding, lack of fish
 hometown of Hutchville, we expose various questionable   topics that range from race, gender, history, and nature.  future will be for those plants and animals with whom   and the rapidly eroding coastline are directly linked to
 practices these cute rodents are using to mislead   we share the planet.  Mame Coumba’s wrath.
 customers about their climate credentials. Back in the real
 world, it’s critical to identify green-speak, call it out, and
 demand concrete climate action.

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 Duration  Credits   YOP   Definition   Duration  Credits   YOP   Definition   Duration  Credits   YOP   Definition   Duration  Credits   YOP   Definition
 1x5’  Waterbear    2022  HD  1x14’  Waterbear    2022  HD  1x10’  Waterbear    2022  HD  1x8’  Waterbear    2022  HD
 Original  Original  Original                                                    Original

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