Page 45 - OTF Spring-Summer 2023 Programme Catalogue
P. 45

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 WATERBEAR  WATERBEAR  WATERBEAR                                    WATERBEAR
 martha’s delta  people vs pipelines:   play on: football’s         the pole of inaccessibility:

 the cost of crude oil  climate story                               a photographers
 The Niger Delta is home to the third largest mangrove
 ecosystem in the world, but following the discovery of oil in      perspective
 1956, the area has been plagued by oil extraction. Activist   Discover the power of a small community coming   In ‘Play On: Football’s Climate Story’ we see how climate
 Martha Agbani has dedicated her life to restoring the local   together to kickstart an extraordinary global movement.   change is affecting the beautiful game through two key   An epic sailing journey seen through the lens of wildlife
 environment.  This documentary film project celebrates the people and   stories from two British towns and their clubs. From the
 efforts behind stopping Keystone XL and will serve as a   plight of a club at threat to the actions of another taking   photographer George Karbus. Launching from the UK and
 reference for similar case studies to stop oil pipelines and   a stand, we learn that the only way football can carry on,   sailing via Madeira and the Azores archipelago, adventurers
 Tar Sand developments in the near future.  is to come together.    duo, the Turner Twins, are on a mission to reach the Atlantic
                                                                    “Pole of Inaccessibility’’ — the area in the Atlantic Ocean
                                                                    which is the furthest away from land in any direction.

 WATCH VIDEO  WATCH VIDEO  WATCH VIDEO                                   WATCH VIDEO

 Duration  Credits   YOP   Definition   Duration  Credits   YOP   Definition   Duration  Credits   YOP   Definition   Duration  Credits   YOP   Definition
 1x13’  Waterbear    2022  HD  1x30’  Waterbear    2022  HD  1x7’  Waterbear    2022  HD  1x10’  Waterbear    2022  HD
 Original  Original  Original                                                    Original

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