Page 50 - OTF Spring-Summer 2023 Programme Catalogue
P. 50

NEW  •

        WATERBEAR                                                 WATERBEAR                                                    WATERBEAR                                                   WATERBEAR
        inseparable                                               the ball’s in our court                                      a circular solution                                         for the next generation

        Highlighting the inseparable relationships between        The world’s most popular sport is under threat. Climate      The earth’s ability to endure the destructive processes     In  Montana,  the  Confederated  Salish  and  Kootenai
        humans, culture and land, three Indigenous women utilize   change is threatening to disrupt football at all levels. This   of  industrialisation  is  reaching  its  limit.  Society   Tribes have been working for generations to restore
        their sport to deeply examine their intimate connections   film shows how climate change is affecting the beautiful    generates more than 2 billion tonnes of household           and  preserve  the biodiversity  on their  reservation  that
        and  challenges  ahead.    Spanning  the  islands  of  Hawaii   game  through  two  key  stories  from  two  British  towns   waste. Fortunately, there is another way, that is not only   includes their tribal wilderness in the Mission Mountain
        and the sacred lands of the Kānaka Maoli, to the rugged   and their clubs. From the plight of a club at threat to the   beneficial to the environment, but that could also save    Range. Comprising less than 5% of the population,
        coast of Makah Nation, and the vast mountains and trails   actions of another taking a stand, we learn that the only   worldwide industries an estimated one trillion dollars      Indigenous people care for 80% of global biodiversity. Yet
        of Sḵwxwú7mesh Nation, this series moves beyond sport     way football can carry on, is to come together.              each and every year. We just need to come “round” to a      their way of life is under threat.
        to uncover a deeper connection with the world around us.                                                               new way of thinking...the circular way.

             WATCH VIDEO       NEW SERIES                              WATCH VIDEO        NEW SERIES                                WATCH VIDEO                                                 WATCH VIDEO

        Duration     Credits       YOP     Definition             Duration     Credits          YOP     Definition             Duration     Credits          YOP     Definition            Duration     Credits          YOP     Definition
        3xVarious    Waterbear     2022    HD                     1x4’         WaterBear        2022    HD                     1x3’         Waterbear         2022   HD                    1x11’        WaterBear        2022    HD
                     Original Series                                           Impact Short                                                 Impact Short                                                Impact Short

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