Page 54 - OTF Spring-Summer 2023 Programme Catalogue
P. 54

NEW  •

        WATERBEAR                                                 WATERBEAR                                                    WATERBEAR                                                   WATERBEAR
        pengiuns in rehab                                         raising baby giants                                          sawfish detective                                           seeding futures

        Once extremely numerous, the African penguin population   In different parts of Africa, teams are working 24-7 to raise   Alifa Haque is hunting for largetooth sawfish, the most   Seeds is an inspirational award-winning NGO that uses
        has plummeted from one million breeding pairs to a        orphaned baby elephants and rhinos as the poaching crisis    endangered of all species. Finding a dead sawfish in the    permaculture  to  enrich  the  township  environment  and
        tiny  fraction  of  this  figure.  Commercial  fishing,  marine   continues to rage. Without human intervention these giant   market is a huge win for her - it’s an indication that the   provide working class Cape Tonian youth with vocational
        pollution, and habitat destruction have taken their toll.   babies would stand little chance of survival.              fish still exists in the wild. Along with Dr Ruth Leeney,   skills and connections to ecological job opportunities.
        Due to increasing pressure, the African penguin could be                                                               through Alifa’s investigation work, these inspiring
        wiped out within a decade without active intervention.                                                                 women are giving these weird and wonderful creatures
                                                                                                                               a chance of survival.

             WATCH VIDEO                                               WATCH VIDEO                                                  WATCH VIDEO                                                 WATCH VIDEO

        Duration     Credits       YOP     Definition             Duration     Credits          YOP     Definition             Duration     Credits          YOP     Definition            Duration     Credits          YOP     Definition
        1x5’         Waterbear     2022    HD                     1x7’         WaterBear        2022    HD                     1x6’         Waterbear         2022   HD                    1x5’         WaterBear        2022    HD
                     Impact Short                                              Impact Short                                                 Impact Short                                                Impact Short

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