Page 52 - OTF Spring-Summer 2023 Programme Catalogue
P. 52

NEW  •

            WATERBEAR                                                                                                              WATERBEAR
            the giant’s achilles heel                                                                                              it’s not all black and white

            Introducing 26 year old Elephant Guardian - a passionate                   Duration                                    When it comes to fighting against poaching it’s not always the              Duration
            advocate for the conservation of local wildlife in his community           1x7’                                        most obvious approaches that have the biggest impact.                       1x5’

            and one of 7 Guardians.                                                    Credits                                                                                                                 Credits
                                                                                       WaterBear                                   Whilst firepower is critical, education is being used as a major tool in the fight to   WaterBear
                                                                                       Impact Short                                                                                                            Impact Short
            We will hear about his passion for wildlife, including elephants, but also how these                                   save the rhino. Due to the surging demand for rhino horn in Asia, poaching gangs
            animals threaten livelihood within the community and therefore how hard it was to   YOP                                are slaughtering rhinos on a massive scale - leading to a deadly arms race between   YOP
            get the community on side to see the positives of the elephant’s presence.   2022                                      ranger and poachers. Whilst fighting poachers on the front line is critical it is treating   2022
                                                                                                                                   the symptoms, not the cause. The Wilderness Foundation recognised this problem
                                                                                       Definition                                                                                                              Definition
                                                                                       HD                                          and has set up educational programs to help kids in both Africa and Asia to become   HD
                                                                                                                                   the next generation of leaders in conservation.

                WATCH VIDEO                                                                                                             WATCH VIDEO

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