Page 57 - OTF Spring-Summer 2023 Programme Catalogue
P. 57

NEW  •

 the tamarin detective  treevolution

 Trapped in the fast-expanding city of Manaus, the Pied tamarin   Duration  Africa is the world’s most rapidly urbanising continent. The   Duration
 has one of the smallest ranges of any primate in the world – and   1x5’  conversion of forest land to urban spaces and agriculture is the   1x4’

 is now the most endangered.  Credits  most common and destructive cause of deforestation.  Credits
 WaterBear                                                                              WaterBear
 Impact Short                                                                           Impact Short
 Scientists  estimate  that  there  are  just  a  few  hundred  Pied  tamarins  left,  and  as   Fortunately, Greentop - an organisation based in Cape Town, South Africa - is tackling
 their home city continues to expand – this number continues to drop. Fortunately,   YOP   this crisis through direct action. As well as spreading environmental awareness about   YOP
 Marcelo Gordo has dedicated his life to saving this endearing species – and as human   2022   the  importance  of natural  forest restoration  and  rehabilitation  of all  landscapes,   2022
 populations worldwide encroach on rainforests, the tamarins could offer a vital insight   Definition   Greenpop also encourages individuals to become eco-stewards of the natural world   Definition
 into diseases such as Covid-19 - that leap from animals to humans—before they spiral   HD  around them.  HD
 out of control.


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