Page 19 - OTF Catalogue 2019-2020 Client PDF
P. 19

    ‘The Condor’s Shadow’ follows a once-in-a-lifetime project to save the iconic Californian condor. Uniquely graceful and beautiful, nonetheless by the 1980s the condor had been poached to extinction in the wild. Featuring biologist Joseph Brandt, zookeeper Mike Clark, toxicologist Myra Finkelstein, and feisty condor Pitahsi, this is a uniquely moving story of endangered species recovery.
Good Eye Films
Host Peter Schriemer leads an exploration of Florida’s Indian River Lagoon, a richly diverse 156 mile long inland waterway, serving as a nursery for many species of marine life, whilst concealing smaller, vulnerable animals in its grass beds and mangrove forests. Schriemer and a team of scientists uncover the secrets of the delicate ecosystems and complex food chains hidden beneath its dark waters.
Tomlinson-de Onis Productions/Smithsonian Networks
They are the biggest, meanest, and some say, deadliest animals in the world. Few approach them, few can face them, and few understand them. Those who dare are called ‘Crocodile Wranglers’ and include a researcher who puts his entire arm down the throat of a crocodile, captures a 750lb salt water croc and demonstrates a ‘death roll’.
Deep in the Costa Rican rainforest, in Corcovado, lies the Black Lagoon, where silent jaguars and white lipped peccaries play a constant game of hide and seek. A place where El Niño turns the dry season into the worst drought in living memory. After four months of waiting, the first rains arrive, bringing with them a deadly surprise.
Survival Anglia
Young naturalist Peter Schriemer introduces 5-12 year olds into the wonderful, icky world of creepies and crawlies that lurk just beyond their doorsteps. These shows are full of projects for children to try and inspire a fascination and appreciation of nature and the world around us.
Tiger/Tigress Productions for Smithsonian Networks
The first months of a wild animal’s life are fraught with danger. Newborns require sufficient food, must often compete with their siblings for their parents’ care and attention and must learn quickly how to survive in nature. In addition, they frequently face external dangers from predators or environmental conditions. This film is a gripping and emotional investigation of the perils young animals face in the forests, meadows and lakes and along the coastlines of northern Europe.
The Condor’s Shadow
1 x 60’, 2013, HD
Creatures Of The Black Lagoon
1 x 60’, 1999, SD
    Creatures Of The Lagoon
1 x 60’, 2011, HD
Critter Quest!
3 x 30’, 2007, HD
   Cuddly & Wild:
Adorable Animal Babies
1 x 60’ or 1 x 90’, 2019, HD
 Crocodile Wranglers
1 x 60’, 2009, HD
 Hoff Productions
Doclights/NDR Naturfilm/Terra Mater Factual Studios
 Nature & Wildlife

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