Page 15 - OTF An Introduction Booklet
P. 15

 Colombia: Magia Salvaje /Wild Magic
(1 x 90’/60’, 2015)
Off the Fence Production
Lost Temple of the Inca
(1 x 60’, 2019)
Bedrock Films in Association with Off the Fence Production for National Geographic
Destination Wild: Wild Mongolia
(3 x 60’, 2018)
Off the Fence Production for National Geographic mbia-wild-magic-magia-salvaje
Destination Wild: Wild Arctic
(3 x 60’, 2019)
Off the Fence Production for National Geographic temple-of-the-inca ation-wild-wild-mongolia ination-wild-wild-arctic
OTF also has a number of output deals with channels – including prestigious European public broadcasters - that require specific programming to fill their schedules. Owing to the relationships and experience of the team built up over many years of distributing to the factual and entertainment markets, OTF is often called upon to provide dedicated programming to help launch new channels wanting to offer bespoke programming to their audiences.

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