Page 23 - OTF_Catalogue_Autumn_Winter 2023
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 giants  hawaii: paradise in   if there was no land                march of the elephants

 the pacific  on earth
 Join Dan O’Neill as he explores the largest living examples       ‘March of the Elephants’ chronicles a herd’s year-and-a-
 of  five  very  different  and  very  BIG  animals!  Each  show   Aloha! Welcome to paradise on earth. With its stunning   ‘If There Was No Land On Earth’ shows us the places,   half journey across 1,300 km in Yunnan, China. We see
 combines a mission into the wild, with anatomical CGI,   beaches, spectacular landscapes and perfect waves   people and spectacular inhabitants of a world of water.   locals help and guide the elephants, building trust with
 scientific  stunts,  eyewitness  accounts  and  folklore!   drawing surfers from around the world, ‘Hawaii: Paradise   These are places where people and nature coexist. From   the creatures as they search for food, water, shelter, and
 Heading to Africa, South America and Australia, Dan joins   in  the  Pacific’  invites  viewers  on  a  journey  beyond  the   the Kingdom of Tonga to Koh Tao Island, we follow the   survival across nature reserves and human settlements.
 conservationists and scientists who’ve dedicated their   clichés of Hawaiian culture. From the spirit of the islands,   fascinating lives  of the people and animals  who live   The  film  is  an  inspiring  reminder  of  our  responsibility
 lives to studying these spectacular species. What does it   to the essence of life, expressed in tradition, craftsmanship   in these incredibly lush regions of the planet, whose   towards wildlife and biodiversity.
 take to become and survive as a giant - past or present?  and ancient arts. Meet the settlers and their descendants   activities can be considered a model of coexistence and
 who have found their home in paradise.  saving nature on Earth.

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 Duration  Credits   YOP   Definition   Duration  Credits   YOP   Definition   Duration  Credits   YOP   Definition   Duration  Credits   YOP   Definition
 5x60’  otf studios & Curiosity  2023  4K  2x60’  Spiegel TV.  2022  4K  8x60’  AMFilm in    2023  4K  1x60’  China Review   2023  4K
                     association with Ari                                       Studio
                     Dive and Activ Tour
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