Page 28 - OTF_Catalogue_Autumn_Winter 2023
P. 28

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            NATURE & WILDLIFE                                                                                                      NATURE & WILDLIFE
            wild battleground                                                                                                      wild hope

            The animal kingdom is a world at war – predators hunt their prey, and       Duration                                   ‘Wild Hope’ is a series of cinematic, short films profiling real people    Duration

            competitors dominate vital resources. Battles break out over rivers, reefs,   4x60’                                    at work restoring and protecting our planet.                               8x30’
            and mountain ranges. Wars are waged over watering holes.                    Credits                                                                                                               Credits
                                                                                        Wildbear Entertainment /                   Each episode aims to inspire audiences with the story of intrepid changemakers taking   A production of HHMI
            Every episode of ‘Wild Battleground’ focuses on one of these hotspots. It uses military   Cut2Clock                    action to solve fundamental threats in our environment. Set in some of the world’s   Tangled Bank Studios and
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Part2 Pictures in co-produc-
            analysis to examine the strategies and tactics employed by each of the combatants.   YOP                               most  beautiful  and  epic  locations,  our  10  short  films  show  how  small  actions  can   tion with Wild Elements.
            We show how different animals use the terrain to their advantage and use their unique   2023                           lead to large-scale solutions. Through bold interventions, unexpected alliances, and
            attributes to defeat their opponents at each location. They have honed their skills for   Definition                   innovative science, these agents of change are making a positive impact. This series   YOP
            millennia  and  have  become  masters  of  communication,  camouflage,  diplomacy,  and   HD                           reveals how local action can spark powerful change and provide a refreshing dose of
            combat. They are the original warriors.                                                                                hope in an increasingly cynical world.                                     Definition

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