Page 33 - OTF_Catalogue_Autumn_Winter 2023
P. 33

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 harley and katya  human playground

 Indigenous Sydneysider Harley Windsor, and the tiny but tenacious   Duration  We humans love to play. We’ve been playing since the dawn of   Duration

 Ekaterina “Katya” Alexandrovskaya from Moscow, formed a magical   1x90’   our existence. We play anywhere…On sand, on snow, soil, water,   6x60’
 partnership on the ice, making history for Australia as Harley became   Credits    tarmac. But why do we play?   Credits
 Australia’s first Indigenous Winter Olympian.  Stranger Than   In this 6-part series world-renowned actor - and a fanatic sportsman himself - Idris Elba   YOP
 Fiction Films

 But the unlikely duo’s fairytale became a disturbing and profoundly moving study that looks   YOP   takes the viewer on a journey around the globe. Visiting the most spectacular human   2022
 at the lives of elite athletes as they rise to the top of their discipline, and the toll such an   2023   playgrounds and portraying the most extraordinary people, playing a wide array of   Definition
 ascent can take. The film features illuminating interviews with sports journalists, sporting   Definition   games.  On these playgrounds we reveal our inner selves: Our joy, our shame, our glory   4K
 officials and coaches in Australia and Russia, as well as Harley and members of his family.  4K  and our pain. These playgrounds are like mirrors that help us examine ourselves and
            the world around us.


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