Page 86 - OTF_Catalogue_Autumn_Winter 2023
P. 86


            CRIME                                                                                                                  CRIME
            nazi serial killers                                                                                                    the satanic panic

            Throughout the Nazi empire, serial killers ply their dark trade. ‘Nazi       Duration                                  Over the course of three decades, a bizarre phenomenon occurred.           Duration

            Serial Killers’ is true crime like you’ve never seen it before.              4x60’                                     Hundreds of children across the world began to accuse their                3x60’
                                                                                         Credits                                   Kindergarten teachers and guardians of ritualistic satanic abuse.          Credits
            These predators are on par with history’s most infamous serial killers, yet their stories   Shark Teeth Films                                                                                     Great Southern TV
            are largely unknown because they committed these heinous acts while World War II   Definition                          The allegations and stories, fuelled by parents or investigating police, were shocking,   Definition
            raged across Europe. For the first time, we present recent discoveries of gruesome but   4K                            whipping up mass hysteria around the world. Children everywhere were left in a   4K
            forgotten killers as well as new, cutting-edge revelations that turn stories you thought   Delivery                    stunning cultural, religious, and social tug of war, as the world embraced the Satanic   Delivery
            you knew on their heads.                                                     9 months from                             Panic. For the first time ever, we join the dots on this global scandal and shine a light   9 months from
                                                                                         green-light                               on the madness of The Satanic Panic.                                       green-light

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