Page 88 - OTF_Catalogue_Autumn_Winter 2023
P. 88


            CRIME                                                                                                                  SCIENCE
            terror hunters (w/t)                                                                                                   fifa’s big headache

            A pulse-racing international crime documentary series layered with           Duration                                  ‘FIFA’s Big Headache’ explores one of the most misunderstood and           Duration

            unexpected twists, looming peril and horrifying detail.                      6x60’                                     explosive issues facing the most popular sport on Earth: football.         1x90’
                                                                                         Credits                                                                                                              Credits
            The best stories of the world’s most evil criminal masterminds and the the DEA   Steel Spring Pictures &               Mounting  new  medical  and  scientific  evidence  is  clear:  long-term  brain  damage   Cream Films
            Specials Ops that brought them down. This incredible access driven series offers high   otf studios                    called Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a disease being caused by repeated   Definition
            stakes drama that audiences can sink their teeth into. It’s Breaking Bad, Ozark, The   Definition                      micro-concussions due to “heading” of the ball. This is an untold story that parents,   4K
            Wire and the best of Bond, and it’s all unbelievably true. Each episode will dive into   4K                            sports administrations and fans need to hear. This film will delve deep into why (and   Delivery
            the epic untold story of how these “beat cop” type agents managed to outwit and   Delivery                             how) very small head-impacts cause brain disease in pro players, but also in women   Q2 2024
            outmanoeuvre some of the world’s most intelligent and treacherous minds.     9-12 months from                          and school children. Player unions just want the truth in this historic battle.

                 WATCH VIDEO                                                                                                            WATCH VIDEO

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