Page 12 - 2022 Rodeo Program
P. 12
12 Santiam Canyon Stampede 2022
Partner - Complete Wireless Solutions
What to watch for:
• Contestants to ride a bucking horse for eight seconds, holding nothing but a single-hand hold rigging made of leather and rawhide is cinched around the horse’s girth.
• If the cowboy fails to have his feet in the correct position when the horse leaves the chute, the cowboy will be disqualified for “missing” the horse out
• If a rider touches his equipment, himself, or the animal with his free hand, or if he is bucked off before eight seconds, watch for the rider to be disqualified.
• Half the cowboy’s score coming from his spurring technique and “exposure” to the strength of the horse; the other half to be determined by the bucking strength of the horse.
Partner - Frank Lumber Co.
What to watch for:
• The calf to get a head start; one end of a breakaway rope barrier is loped around the calf’s neck and stretched across the open end of the box. When the calf reaches its advantage point, the barrier is released. If the roper breaks the barrier before the calf reaches its head start watch for the roper to be assessed a 10-second penalty.
• Once the loop catches the calf, the horse comes to a stop. The cowboy dismounts, sprints to the calf to begin the tie, otherwise known as flanking. If the calf is not standing, the cowboy must allow the calf to get back on its feet before flanking it.
• Once that roper throws his hands in the air, hold your breath and count to six. That calf must stay tied for six seconds; if the calf kicks free the roper receives no time.
Partner-HP Civil Inc.
What to watch for:
• The contestant to jump from a horse, grab a steer by the horns and wrestle it to the ground, stopping the clock as quickly as possible. Easily said, not easily done.
• The contestant and his hazer, an assistant who rides on the opposite side of the steer and starts from behind a barrier that allows the animal a head start. If the cowboy breaks out early, he is assessed a 10-second penalty.
Partners- North Santiam Paving Co.
What to watch for:
• A bronco rider to start the ride with his feet placed over the bronco’s shoulders.
• In order to receive a higher score the cowboy must synchronize his spurring action with the animal’s bucking style.
• A saddle rider is synchronized with the movement of the horse, unlike bareback riding, where the cowboy is looking for a wild and less-controlled ride.
• The saddle bronco rider must have both heels on the animal’s shoulders when
it makes the first jump from the chute. If the rider misses his mark, he receives no score.
• A rider is disqualified if he touches his equipment, himself, or the animal with his free hand, or if he is bucked off before eight seconds.