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punctuated by a white seascape of ice
  ANTARCTICA—A LONG-HELD DREAM COME TRUE  and then - total nothingness.

        There was a short-hike option in this
  E  ver since I was a little girl and learned of the seven   to write about this day, other than it was good to see what   resort town through their Natural
 continents, I’ve always dreamed of stepping foot on
 amounted to be familiar places that felt to me like enjoying the
        Reserve.  I forgo that walk to rest my
 all of them. After I realized my dream on the first six,
 warmth of meeting an old friend.
        right foot at the restaurant lobby where
 I have started to quietly search tours of the one and
 only continent I have yet to conquer.  We settled in the night at our comfortable hotel which   we were served buffet lunch.  The day
 maintained its architectural legacy of stairway and balconies
 And conquer I did, starting on February 21 to March 4, 2019.  The   with  ornate  iron  works  in  the  famous  Recoleta  District  of   before I injured it when I tripped inside
        the  Cathedral  of  Jose  de  San  Martin  in
 journey, which is like no other I took previously, began at SFO   Buenos Aires. We got up very early for a flight that will   Buenos Aires.  The mid-afternoon came
 for a seven plus hour flight to Mexico City, Mexico. We crossed   quickly and we proceeded to board our
 the equator on the downward directions for the fourth time   ship for the Emblematic Antarctica Tour
 when we continued our 12-hour flight to Buenos Aires, Argentina.     where after a very delectable French
 Buenos Aires is a city I have visited years ago,   style dinner, we all started to brace
 it  was  reassuring  that  it  has  remained  its   ourselves for crossing the Drake Passage,
 vibrant and friendly self.
        the one waterway that even experienced
 With  very  little  sleep  for  the  last  24   and hardened seafarers fear, I think every
 hours and after checking in early in   tourist who successfully crossed this
 our hotel, I nonchalantly joined an   passage  that  took  two  days  deserves  a
 afternoon walking tour of the city   medal regardless of whether they get
 with my two travel companions.     sick during the journey or not.
 This City is aptly called the   From  this  point  on,  I  have  a  daily
 Paris of South America, rich in   journal with photos and narrative
 culture and history, buildings   take us to the southern-most part of the continent of   that characterized and detailed my
 are magnificently European in   South America called Ushuaia. It’s a small resort town with   worthwhile and unforgettable adventure
 architecture  and  their  avenues   mountain peaks that were spectacularly covered with snow.   of a lifetime which included seven Ports
 are so wide and grand. In the   it was our gateway to Antarctica and if I did not know any   of Call.  Antarctica, you are completely
 early evening, we met up with   better, I would have concluded that I reached the end of the   untamed, unspoiled and inhospitable,   Mila Llorente is with Linda Rose Victoire Byers at Air
 the other adventurous tourists in   world. There was really nothing to see if you look farther south   but I LOVE YOU!   France - KLM Lounge at SFO on  Feb. 20, 2019
 our Group for dinner. Not much   of it other than the vast, distant and pristine body of water

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