P. 43

Later in the afternoon, we had  a mandato-
        ry decontamination session as required by
 For us here on board Le Boreal, a
 few passengers got very sick and   IAATO. We had to bring our clothes includ-
 some needed to go to the hospital   ing parkas, hats, scarves and gloves and other
 in the ship for help with their motion   gear that we will be taking ashore with us. We
 sickness. This journey is for those   were provided with expedition boots during
 with a brave heart and stomach and   this session.
 not for those with faint hearts.  Later in the evening was the Captain’s  Gala
        Evening followed by a gala dinner. One can
 As the day went by, most passengers
 recovered, and were able to attend   tell who are the Americans versus the Parisians
 the Presentation of Cruise Itinerary   by the way passengers dressed up for this
 and  meet  the  expedition  team   occasion. Some photos included here.
 including the Naturalists, a group of
 highly trained and educated young
 people from different parts of the
 world with advanced degrees in
 Oceanography, Marine Biology, etc.
 who will serve as our guides during
 our shore excursions. One thing they
 have in common is their shared love
 for  discovering  more  of  Antarctica
 and sharing them with us. During that
 presentation, we were also given
 mandatory zodiac safety instructions
 and Code of Conduct ashore. In the
 afternoon, there was a lecture about,
 what else, Antarctica, a continent
 of ice by one of the most senior

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