Page 33 - PAF Aircraft Safety Handbook
P. 33

PAF AIRCRAFT  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <  safety guide  PAF AIRCRAFT  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <  safety guide
       The signalman shall be
   1) For aeroplanes, forward of the   2) For helicopters, where the signalman
   left-wing tip within view of the pilot  can best be seen by the pilot.

    Prior to using the ground marshalling signal...

    the signalman shall ascertain   of  objects  which  the  aircraft
    that the area within which an   might otherwise strike.
    aircraft is to be guided is clear

        5 a). Turn left                                     BRAKE & CHOCK
        (from pilot’s point of view)                        SIGNALS
        With  right arm and  wand  ex-                      7 a). Set brakes
        tended at a 90-degree angle to                      Raise hand just above
                                                            shoulder height with
        body, make “come ahead” sig-                        open palm. Ensuring eye
        nal with left hand. The rate of                     contact with flight crew, close
                                                            hand into a fist. Do not move
        signal motion indicates to pilot                    until receipt of “thumbs up”
        the rate of aircraft turn.                          acknowledgement from
                                                            flight crew.
                                6 a). Normal stop           7 b). Release brakes
                                Fully extend  arms and  wands   Raise hand just above
                                at a 90-degree angle to sides   shoulder height with
                                                            hand closed in a fist.
                                and slowly move to above head   Ensuring eye contact with
                                until wands cross.          flight crew, open palm. Do not
                                                            move until receipt of “thumbs
                                                            up” acknowledgement from
                                                            flight crew.
        5 b). Turn right
        (from pilot’s point of view)
        With left arm and wand  ex-                         8 a). Chocks inserted
                                                            With arms and wands fully
        tended at a 90-degree angle to                      extended above head, move
        body, make “come ahead” sig-                        wands inward in a “jabbing”
                                                            motion until wands touch.
        nal with right hand. The rate of                    Ensure acknowledgement is
        signal motion indicates to pilot                    received from flight crew.
        the rate of aircraft turn.
                                                            8 b). Chocks removed
                                                            With arms and wands
                                6 b). Emergency stop        fully extended above
                                Abruptly extend  arms  and   head, move wands
                                                            outward in a “jabbing”
                                wands to top of head, crossing  motion. Do not remove
                                wands.                      chocks until authorized by
                                                            flight crew.

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