Page 37 - PAF Aircraft Safety Handbook
P. 37
PAF AIRCRAFT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< < safety guide PAF AIRCRAFT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< < safety guide
EmERGENCY Hand Signals
A. The following hand signals Recommend Arms in front of head,
are established as the minimum crossed at wrists.
required for emergency Evacuation
communication between the Night - same with wands.
aircraft rescue and firefighting
(ARFF) incident commander/
ARFF firefighters and the cockpit Emergency
and/or cabin crews of the incident
aircraft. Contained
B. ARFF emergency hand signals No outside evidence of dan-
should be given from the left front gerous conditions or “all-
side of the aircraft for the flight clear”
crew. Evacuation recommended
based on ARFF and incident
commander’s assessment of
external situation.
Arm extended from body and
held horizontal with hand up-
raised at eye level. Execute
beckoning arm motion an-
gled backward, Non-beckon-
ing arm held against body.
Arms extended outward and
Night - same with wands. down at a 45-degree angle.
Recommend Arms moved inward below
waistline simultaneously un-
Stop til wrists crossed, then ex-
tended outward to starting
position (umpire’s “safe” sig-
Night - same with wands.
Move right-hand in a “fan-
Recommend evacuation in ning” motion from shoulder
progress be halted. Stop air- to knee, while at the same
craft movement or other ac- time pointing with left hand to
tivity in progress. area of fire.
Night -same with wands.