Page 35 - 2019 Ag Mag
P. 35

KMAland 2019            Integrated Pest Management                                             35

                        Weed Resistance in Iowa                           2015: Meeting of
                                                                          state-wide leaders
                                                                          regarding resistance
      1950      1960       1970      1980       1990       2000       2010      2020      2017: State-wide
                                                                                          IPRMP program
                                                                                          begins; Palmer
   No resistance                                                 2013: Palmer   2016: Palmer   amaranth is
   issues; elds were                    Herbicide use  Herbicide   amaranth   found in CRP   added to Iowa
   tilled                                began     resistance    found in   mixes planted   noxious weed list
                                                                 Harrison County throughout Iowa
   both corn and soybeans,  in southwest Harrison  presence of the weed  ing. This plan laid out a
   weed    resistance  ad- County, the area where  and to combat its spread.  detailed program to deal
   vanced rapidly as crop- I farm. This weed has                                with pest resistance in
   ping agriculture used the  a rapid growth rate, is  The plan to protect  Iowa.
   same herbicide mode of  very competitive, is very  Iowa crops                  I observed that Palmer
   action, year after year, in  prolific in seed produc-  In January 2015, I was  amaranth plants were al-
   both these crops. I called  tion and has a proven  invited to a meeting in  lowed to go to seed in
   this issue  “too  broad  of  ability to quickly evolve  Ames, Iowa, that aimed  southwestern Harrison
   application.” This broad  resistance to herbicides.  to deal with resistance of  County in 2016, further
   application strategy led  Because of these char- all pests impacting Iowa  spreading this challeng-
   to the use of herbicides  acteristics, this weed  cropping      agriculture.  ing weed.  It was later
   when they weren’t nec- has a history in southern   Evidence was presented,  determined that  Palmer
   essarily needed, a strat- states of negatively im- showing that not only  amaranth  also spread
   egy that resulted in weed  pacting crop production  were weeds resistant to  across Iowa inadvertent-
   species developing a re- with lower yields, higher  herbicides, but insects  ly due to its presence in
   sistance to herbicides at  costs or both.  My in- too had begun to devel- CRP seed in 2016. Palm-
   an alarmingly fast rate.   volvement with pest  op resistance to insecti- er amaranth was not yet
     In August 2013, a  resistance really started  cides, and plant diseases  listed as a noxious weed
   very tough and resilient  with this incident, as I  to fungicides. The Iowa  in Iowa, allowing it to ar-
   weed called Palmer ama- helped then to organize  Pest Resistance Manage- rive unnoticed. I started
   ranth was first discov- some meetings to make  ment Plan (IPRMP) was  the dialogue to include
   ered growing in Iowa  farmers aware of the  an outcome of this meet- Palmer amaranth as a
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