Page 32 - 2019 Ag Mag
P. 32
32 Integrated Pest Management
KMAland 2019
omy Technical Note No. 5 “Pest censing requirement to make pes- “Environmental risk analysis with
Management in the Conservation ticide recommendations. Certified approved tools and/or proce-
Planning Process”. Crop Advisors are individuals that dures should be done for prob-
Q) Will every Conservation Plan hold additional training to make able pest management recom-
require an Integrated Pest Man- sound agronomic recommenda- mendations by crop (if applicable)
agement component plan? tions. and pest.” If a pesticide use was
A) No. NRCS conservation Q) Do you have to be a NRCS unforeseen, it could not have been
planning process bases the prac- Certified Conservation Planner to included in the plan. However, if
tices included in the conservation develop a pest management com- a new pesticide use is expected
plan on the landowner’s/pro- ponent of a conservation plan. to become commonplace (prob-
ducer’s objectives. As such, Inte- A) No. Anyone can develop the able), the pest management com-
grated Pest Management will only pest management component of a ponent of the conservation plan
be included if the landowner/pro- conservation plan. However, only should be revised to include it and
ducer intends to manage the risks an NRCS Certified Conservation any appropriate mitigation should
associated with the pest manage- Planner can approve a conserva- be added to the plan. If there is
ment program on their farm. tion plan. no reasonable way to determine
Q) Does pesticide rate, form and Q) Why should NRCS planners probable pest management rec-
timing need to be documented in have to approve someone else’s ommendations, then mitigation
the conservation plan? pesticide recommendations? should be planned for the highest
A) Yes and No. The specific pes- A) Approval of the pest manage- potential hazard(s) for that crop.
ticides with their associated rate, ment component of a conservation Additional Resources
form and timing of application plan does not include approval of Pest Management Fact Sheet:
are used in the process of assess- the efficacy and economics of pes-
ing the environmental risks and ticide recommendations. Approv- gov/references/public/IA/
as such are part of the NRCS pest al of the pest management com- Pest_Management_595_
management plan. The NRCS ponent only means that planned JS_2006_03.pdf
does not make recommendations pest management activities have Practice standard
for specific pesticides. If cultural been screened for potential en-
controls are used, such as tillage vironmental risks as required by gov/references/public/IA/
or cover crops, then those activi- the Pest Management Standard Integrated_Pest_Manage-
ties will be included in the conser- contained in the local FOTG, and ment_595_STD_2011_02_Re-
vation plan. all identified risks have been miti- viewed_2018_02.pdf
Q) Can NRCS provide pesticide gated in the overall conservation National Agronomy Techni-
recommendations to producers? plan according to quality criteria cal Note No. 5 “Pest Man-
A) The short answer is No. in the local FOTG. agement in the Conservation
Within the planning process, Iowa Q) If unusual circumstances dur- Planning Process”
State University Extension publica- ing the growing season call for
tions can be provided to the land- pesticide recommendations that
owner/producer for their them to are not included in the pest man- tent.aspx?content=35618.wba
make choices from. agement component of the con- IPM factsheet
Q) Will I have to be licensed if servation plan, should the plan be
I give Extension recommendations updated? Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/
and/or pesticide specific environ- A) Maybe. Infrequent use of a stelprdb1245919.pdf
mental risk information to produc- pesticide that was not in the origi-
ers? nal plan is acceptable. The Pest
A) In Iowa, there is no specific li- Management Standard states that