Page 29 - 2019 Ag Mag
P. 29

KMAland 2019            Integrated Pest Management                                              29
   clay and organic matter particles  ment?                             many places IPM practices have
   are bound together by sticky        Practices like no-till, cover  fallen by the wayside as some
   substances exuded by roots and  crops and crop rotations do the  chemicals and stacked traits
   fungi to form aggregates.  These  four things listed above that  seemed like an “Easy Button”
   aggregates are large enough to  build soil aggregate stability and  compared to crop scouting and
   result in pore spaces between  organic matter.  Modern herbi- rotating crop protection prac-
   them  that  allow  air,  water  and  cides, insecticides and stacked  tices.
   roots to move through the soil.   traits in seeds can make adopt-     I won’t go into detail about
   When soil aggregates fall apart,  ing those practices easier.  How- what IPM does or how it works
   the pore spaces become clogged,  ever, farmers’ abilities to use  here; see the other articles in this
   blocking water and air from get- those tools is at risk because of  magazine from Iowa State Uni-
   ting into the soil.  Stable soil  increased resistance of weeds  versity IPM experts for those ex-
   aggregates help water soak into  and pests to many herbicides,  planations.  I DO want to make
   the soil’s root zone where it is  insecticides and  stacked  traits.   these points:
   available for crop use.  Remem- For example:                          No-till, cover crops and crop
   ber the old adage – “rain makes     In 2016, 75% of 87 samples of  rotations can help build soil or-
   grain”.                           weed seeds from Iowa tested at  ganic matter and aggregate sta-
     What can farmers and garden- the University of Illinois Plant  bility – and so protect and build
   ers do to build soil organic mat- Clinic were resistant to glypho- the productive capacity of soils.
   ter and stable soil aggregates?   sate and PPO inhibitors.            Modern herbicides, insecti-
     Minimize soil disturbance –       In the most recent Iowa Farm  cides and stacked traits can help
   Over time, tillage reduces soil’s  and Rural Life Poll, 22 percent  make no-till, cover crops and
   ability to soak in and hold water.   of respondents believed they  crop rotations easier to manage.
   It also leaves soil susceptible to  had weeds that were resistant     IPM practices can help pre-
   erosion and nutrient loss.        to PPO inhibitor herbicides in  serve the effectiveness of mod-
     Maintain plant diversity –  their fields, up from 3 percent in  ern herbicides, insecticides and
   through crop rotations and cov- 2013.                                stacked traits.
   er crops.  Plant diversity leads to has docu-       SO, the use of IPM practices is
   more diversity in soil microor- mented 17 herbicide-resistant  important long-term for protect-
   ganisms and helps break up dis- weeds in Iowa.                       ing and building soils.
   ease and pest cycles.               Pyrethroid resistance has been    IPM can also help avoid harm
     Living roots growing through- documented in some soybean  to non-target species, pollina-
   out the year – to feed soil micro- aphids.                           tors and your neighbor’s fields or
   organisms and keep nitrates in      Varietal resistance by soybean  garden.
   the root zone where they can be  cyst nematodes has been docu-        I encourage you to read the
   used in the next crop.            mented at some locations.          other articles in this magazine
     Keep the soil covered to help     Weeds and pests can develop  about what IPM is, how you can
   prevent erosion, conserve mois- resistance to modern crop pro- make it work for you.  You, your
   ture and moderate root zone  tection chemicals and crop va- checkbook, your neighbors and
   temperatures.  Crop residues left  riety traits when those tools are  a hungry world will be glad you
   on the soil surface will decom- used year after year.  Integrated  did.
   pose in place, helping to build  Pest Management (IPM) can
   soil organic matter.              help prevent the development
     So, what does this have to do  of pest resistance.  IPM has been
   with Integrated Pest Manage- around for a long time, but  in
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