Page 24 - 2019 Ag Mag
P. 24
24 Integrated Pest Management KMAland 2019
Pest Control
In today’s farming operations, it with its genetic background being is a challenge.
is critical for our pesticide technol- introduced into other waterhemp Also, tall waterhemp does not
ogy be used judiciously and while plants during cross pollination. germinate deep in the soil. Wa-
incorporating integrated pest man- This eventually will result in a field terhemp seed is a small broadleaf
agement (IPM) techniques into becoming dominated by glypho- seed which germinates in the top
resistance management strategies. sate resistant waterhemp. couple of inches of soil. There-
Research and development of her- As far as weed management IPM fore, deep tillage in non-erodible
bicide products has declined since for tall waterhemp control, we can soils may be an option for reduc-
the widespread use of glyphosate. use weed biology to our advan- ing seed. Also consider how differ-
The cost to bring new products to tage. The viability of waterhemp ent tillage tools mix the soil when
market is extremely expensive and seed is four to five years. Given considering tillage.
there is no new weed control ac- this, if we can use other weed con- Any time the soybean row spac-
tive ingredient being evaluated for trol strategies, we can manage a ing is decreased, the density of
introduction into the marketplace. field of extremely resistant weeds tall waterhemp weeds is reduced
Resistance occurs when a family back to a manageable or tolerable in soybeans. The most reduction
of products or individual product level by reducing the glyphosate in waterhemp competition, ac-
such as that of glyphosate is used resistant seed bank. But, beware, cording to University of Missouri
repeatedly to control a particular tall waterhemp is problematic as research, is moving from 30-inch
pest, such as tall waterhemp. The it can germinate spring into early to 15-inch row spacing and 7-inch
pest does not change. The genetic summer and during August. With drill spacing will slightly further
makeup of the pest allows it to sur- this long germination period, decrease weed density.
vive. As it survives, it reproduces keeping a resistant field weed free Given soybean seed prices,