Page 20 - 2019 Ag Mag
P. 20
20 Integrated Pest Management KMAland 2019
use of herbicides with ture model. The use of
different modes of ac- treated seed and seed
tion for total pre and that has rootworm re-
post emergence weed sistance or the use of
control is key in the In- crop rotations are tools
tegrated Pest Manage- to use for rootworm
ment System. A major control.
concern in crop produc- Diseases on corn
tion in Nebraska is the and soybeans are best
development of weed managed through IPM
resistance to pesticides. methods. Planting
In Nebraska we have soybean varieties that
eight weeds that have are resistant to diseas-
herbicide resistance. es, i.e. SCN, Sudden
Common waterhemp is ranth can grow from pressing palmer ama- Death Syndrome (SDS)
another major weed is- .75” – 2.5” a day. If it ranth growth early in or Phytophthora, us-
sue for farmers in south- can’t be controlled be- the growing season. An ing seed treatments
east Nebraska as well. fore it is 5-6” tall, it is IPM strategy of using a like ILEVO for Sudden
It has resistance to eight too late. It is important cover crop of cereal rye, Death Syndrome or us-
different herbicides. to have the sprayer ca- the use of a residual her- ing cultural practices
The weed that is caus- pacity to keep ahead of bicide at planting time like delayed planting
ing the most concern this weed with timely and by planting nar- of soybeans to reduce
for farmers in southeast applications using the row row soybeans may SDS infection or plant-
Nebraska is Palmer Am- correct labeled rate. be a preventive strat- ing continuous corn for
aranth. This weed has The key is early identi- egy in keeping palmer a couple of years to re-
been identified as the fication of Palmer Ama- amaranth from infesting duce SCN egg counts
worst weed in the Unit- ranth before the popu- soybean fields. Use of are excellent tools for
ed States. It is resistant lation explodes. These diversified crop rota- controlling diseases.
to nine different herbi- weeds are prolific seed tions is an effect strat- Scouting fields for fo-
cides in Nebraska. It has producers. They ger- egy as well. liar diseases in corn
been identified in a few minate for 5-6 months Integrated Pest Man- and soybeans is also an
fields in southeast Ne- and can produce seed in agement is also an effec- important strategy to
braska, but has invaded 10-14 days. One plant tive strategy for insect determine if problems
areas in south central produced 1,775,000 control. By scouting exist and if economic
and southwestern Ne- seeds in south central fields for insects, such thresholds have been
braska and is almost Nebraska. If you keep as bean leaf beetles met. It is good manage-
impossible to control. the plants from produc- and using economic ment not to treat for in-
The problem is, Palmer ing seed, it will keep thresholds, you can sects or diseases unless
Amaranth is native to the weeds from taking determine if treatment it is required and it is
very warm climates and over a field. Weed con- is justified in fields. By economically feasible.
thrives in air tempera- trol must be maintained using pheromone traps In these times of low
tures of 95°, while ideal until 4 weeks after the in the spring, farmers commodity prices, IPM
temperatures for corn first killing frost. Kansas can determine when to will really be the best
and soybeans is around State University con- scout for black cutwork tool to use in crop pro-
85°. In June when tem- ducted research that activity, based on a sig- duction.
peratures reach into the indicated cereal rye nificant trap count of
90s, the Palmer Ama- was effective in sup- moths and a tempera-