Page 15 - 2019 Ag Mag
P. 15
KMAland 2019 Integrated Pest Management 15
What are they and do they really matter?
Osborne or Bear Bryant A couple of seasons guy who kept things fun
couldn’t have gotten a on the bean buggy and and simple knowing the
greater effort out of us. we learned a lot about limited attention spans
We got the speech weed management. The of high school boys.
while we were strapped spray didn’t “kill every- Whatever IMP we were
into the seats of what thing”, so later in the doing seemed like it
might as well been the season we still had some worked back then since
space shuttle to us, the spots to walk. Nozzle the boss had pretty clean
technology was so far selection, distance from fields, we spent less time
ahead of where we had and size of target and on the business end of a
been just a few days ear- wind speed were just a hoe, and we got handed
Clarke McGrath
Agronomist/On Farm lier. Sitting on a steel few of the variables that some cash.
Research Coordinator beam running across the determined where and What is IPM?
Iowa Soybean Research front of a tractor and how much purple spray Hang in there, I won’t
Center getting paid to “shoot ended up on weeds vs get all scientific. You all
Motivational Speeches weeds” from above beat beans. But hey, when the have a pretty solid idea
from the Bean Field the heck out of whack- incentive for figuring it of what it is since you’ve
T ing them on foot. Some out quickly is not spend- been doing it for a liv-
The greatest motiva-
other key points from the ing as much time hik- ing for years, so we’ll just
tional speech ever may
have come from a tractor boss included “the spray ing with a hoe, learning hit a few basics. There
are varying definitions
kills everything” “hit as seems easier.
seat. “Screw this up and many weeds as you can” Those first lessons in of IPM, but the general
you’ll end up with a hoe “as few beans as you can” Integrated Pest Man- ideas are; Integrated Pest
in your hands again!” “don’t spray each other” agement (IPM) and Pest Management (IPM) is a
Likely one of the short- and “it’s bright purple Resistance Management process consisting of the
est motivational speech- so we can all see who’s (PRM) stuck with me be- balanced use of cultural,
es ever too, but Tom screwing up”. cause the boss was a great biological, and chemical