Page 19 - 2019 Ag Mag
P. 19
KMAland 2019 Integrated Pest Management 19 3
A Tool for Successful Farming
This weed is a winter annual that
comes up in the fall of the year.
Nebraska research shows 94% of
horseweed (marestail) germinates
in the fall in Nebraska. Knowing
this research, it is important to
control marestail in the fall or ear-
ly spring before it shoots a stem.
Once that happens, it is much
harder to control. Another con-
cern is that most of the marestail
Gary Lesoing-Nemaha County in southeast Nebraska is glypho-
Extension Director-Auburn, sate resistant. Experience on sev-
Nebraska eral farms indicates cereal rye is
excellent at suppressing marestail
Integrated Pest Management and may even eliminate a herbi-
(IPM) is an important principle cide application. A cover crop of
that needs to be adopted for cereal rye may provide benefits
farms to be successful. The use to soil health and reduce erosion
of IPM provides different meth- as well, if managed successfully.
ods of control, such as biological, Another problem weed in
cultural and/or chemical meth- southeast Nebraska is Giant Rag-
ods. Let’s focus on weed control. weed, especially if it is glypho-
For IPM, first identify the pest, sate resistant. Research has
second evaluate the severity or shown that giant ragweed is an
impact of the pest and third, de- early emerging weed. By using
termine what is the best option the delayed planting practice and
for control or/if multiple control allowing all the giant ragweed
options should be used. An ex- to germinate prior to planting,
ample of a weed pest that is caus- you can either control this weed
ing problems in southeast Ne- through tillage or herbicides
braska is marestail or horseweed. before you plant soybeans. The