Page 16 - 2019 Ag Mag
P. 16

16                    Integrated Pest Management
                                                                                               KMAland 2019
   procedures that are environmen- we  don’t  collectively  implement  of synthetic organic insecticides
   tally compatible, economically  and continually improve our IPM  in the early 1940’s (think DDT).
   feasible,  and  socially  acceptable  and PRM programs, yields drop,  Resistance to DDT was confirmed
   to reduce pest populations to tol- cost of production rises, and pest  in houseflies by 1947. New insec-
   erable levels.                    management options become  ticides came out… and with ev-
     Integrated means that many  more  limited.  So  yes,  we  know  ery new insecticide introduction,
   strategies  are  used  to  avoid  or  why the concepts are important,  cases of resistance appeared some
   solve a pest problem, like combin- yet we keep fighting a growing  2 to 20 years after their introduc-
   ing higher plant populations or  number of resistant pests. In other  tion in a number of key pest spe-
   narrow rows with herbicide pro- words, “we” aren’t doing a good  cies. Mother Nature has won ev-
   grams to limit weed competition  enough job.                        ery time.
   for example.                        Oh man, that probably got  Weed resistance- This has
     Pests…disease, weeds, bugs,  the blood boiling- hold on. “We”  been beating us over the head
   politicians…                      means scientists (industry, univer- for decades; we have weeds right
     Management is the process of  sity, wherever), industry reps and  here in our fields resistant to a
   making decisions in a systematic  agronomists, consumers, farmers,  lot of herbicides and they have
   way to keep pests from reaching  EPA lawyers, you name it… col- cost a lot of time and money. But
   “intolerable levels”.             lectively guilty of dropping the  so far, we have risen to the chal-
   What about                        ball on ensuring that IPM and  lenge and found a way to pound
   Resistance                        PRM are developed and carried  weeds back into submission for a
   Management?                       out effectively. Just to be clear, it  time. The cycle is evolving, and
     Pest resistance management  isn’t that we all said the heck with  the discovery of waterhemp re-
   (PRM) is the effort to delay pests  it and didn’t implement IPM and  sistant to Group 15 herbicides in
   from  developing resistance.  Pest  PRM it on purpose. In many cases  at least 2 Illinois counties is pret-
   resistance will impact yields, in- there were mistakes, miscommu- ty crappy news. 15’s are some of
   crease the cost of production, and  nications or some other problem  the most resilient and rock solid
   limit farmers’ future options to  somewhere up or down the infor- products we have, used heavily
   manage pests.                     mation chain that led to pest resis- in  both  corn  and  beans.  World-
     There are other definitions out  tance. We don’t need to, or have  wide there are only a handful of
   there for PRM, but one thing  time to, play the blame game, we  cases of grass weeds resistant to
   most of them have in common  just all have to step our game up  the 15’s and only one in the US.
   are concepts relating to “delaying”  and do better from the cutting  These waterhemp populations
   or  “limiting”  resistance.  Mother  edge science all the way through  are the first broadleaf weed in the
   Nature  has  found  ways  to  work  to the consumer.                world resistant to the Group 15’s.
   around or flat out kick the tar out  Mother Nature is hard to       This might not come as a big sur-
   of a lot of various control mea- Beat                               prise- the two documented G15
   sures to date, so “stopping” resis-  Let’s take a look at just a couple  resistant waterhemp populations
   tance… probably not possible in  of types of pesticides- insecticides  in Illinois- were resistant to other
   the foreseeable future.           and herbicides- for examples of  herbicides as well, with some now
   Why are These Concepts            how quickly and creatively nature  resistant to 6 sites of action.
   Important?                        has adapted to some of our pesti-   Group 4 herbicides have been
     We all have a pretty good idea  cides.                            pretty solid for us over the years,
   what some various answers to this  Insecticide resistance- It  so 2,4-D and dicamba resistant
   question are, and the definitions  could be said our “chemical age”  soybean systems are viewed as an
   of IPM and PRM lay it out too. If  kicked off with the introduction  important tool in weed IPM by
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