Page 12 - 2019 Ag Mag
P. 12
12 Integrated Pest Management KMAland 2019
degradation of the first appli- a field or farm will change Agronomist with Gold Coun-
cation, i.e. layer additional re- over time…are you willing to try Seeds. Brent has a BS in
sidual herbicide, and we must change to win the battle? Agronomy from the Univer-
use multiple modes of action Brent Wiersma is a native of sity of Minnesota and an MBA
in that crop and across given Minnesota and currently works from Iowa State University.
years. Diversity is the name as a Business Representative Always read and follow la-
of the game. And…with all covering Southwest Iowa for bel instructions. Dual, Callisto
things to consider, we must BASF, he has been with BASF and Flexstar are trademarks
stay on label for the herbicide for 10 years. Prior to BASF of Syngenta Crop Protection.
use rate, timing and any re- Brent held various Marketing Harness and Roundup Ready
stricted use patterns. roles with Meredith Corpora- are trademarks of Bayer Crop
I realize it is not simple. tion, and Sales and Market- Science. Cobra is a trademark
Overall, I feel we do a pretty ing roles with Agriliance LLC of Valent USA LLC. Outlook,
good job of weed manage- / Wilfarm, and served as a Armezon, Pursuit and Liberty
ment here in Iowa. How- Crop Consultant with Ameri-
ever, we must remember that Link are trademarks of BASF
all weed populations within can Prairie LLC, and as a Sales Corporation.
OSI is considered a premier global food provider by many
of the world’s leading brands and has been for over 100 years.
Much of it is done from their Oakland, Iowa plant.
Being a leader in the industry allows OSI Oakland to give back to their
communities by sponsoring area high school events, offering special
programs for veterans and other community outreach programs.
21876 US-59,
Oakland, IA 51560
Phone: (712) 482-6640