Page 13 - 2019 Ag Mag
P. 13

Integrated Pest Management
     KMAland 2019                                                                                   13
   F                                  Challenges                        tain either mCry3A or Cry3Bb1,
     For decades the term Integrat-
                                                                        which raises concerns about the
   ed pest management (IPM) has
   been defined in a variety of ways
                                                                        long-term durability of these pyr-
   by farmers, ag retailers, and ex-
                                                                         We need to understand the fact
   tension specialists.   The actual   in Corn and                      amids.
   definition of IPM is an approach                                     that with new technologies we
   to controlling a specific pest in a     Soybean                      develop, pests will continue  to
   specific setting that makes use of                                   evolve and challenge us.  This
   current pest information, regular  Production                        does not mean that we need

   monitoring and record keeping                                        to avoid new technologies and
   to determine if and when action                 Aaron Saeugling      traits, it means we need to man-
                                                   Iowa State University
   against the pest is needed. IPM                 Field Agronomist     age their use.  The simple days
   uses a combination of control                                        of plant it, spray it and forget it
   strategies (biological, chemical,                                    are OVER.  We need to be bet-
   cultural, educational, mechanical                                    ter managers to understand the
   and physical) to prevent unac-                                       biology of the pest we want to
   ceptable  damage  or  annoyance.                                     manage.    Rotation  is  the  best
   The control options chosen                                           choice to help reduce selection
   should be the most effective with                                    pressure.   This includes rotating
   the least risk to people and the                                     crops, herbicides, fungicides, and
   environment, yet provide viable                                      insecticides.  Modern agriculture
   options to produce a quality, eco-                                   is challenged with the issue of
   nomical, and safe crop or main-                                      resistance today and in the fu-
   tain a clean, healthy indoor or                                      ture.  Currently all technologies
   outdoor setting. IPM promotes                                        have some form of resistance to
   prevention over remediation and   by western corn rootworm in        chemical control measures.  One
   integration of strategies over a   Iowa to mCry3A corn, which was    beneficial web site that houses
   solitary control tool.  The con-  released in 2007. In addition, this   excellent  information  is  https://
   cept of IPM can apply to other    paper also found cross-resistance .  The issue
   cropping systems and is not ex-   between Cry3Bb1 and mCry3A.        of resistance and the methods of
   clusive to corn and soybean pro-  Cross-resistance is defined as re-  resistance by insect, disease and
   duction.                          duced susceptibility to multiple   weeds are complex but the chal-
     Genetic traits have been very   toxins through a common mecha-     lenges for today’s farmers is chal-
   beneficial to reduce the amount   nism and can result in populations   lenging.   The takeaction web site
   of  chemical  insecticides  used,   being resistant to toxins to which   is a  step by step  program farm-
   yet corn rootworms have now       they have never been exposed. In   ers can do online to learn more
   become resistant to the genetic   this case, it means that a popula-  about weeds, disease, and insect
   traits currently available.  In 2011,   tion of western corn rootworm   management.  This web site has
   Gassmann et al. confirmed field-  that develops resistance to either   color pictures, worksheets, pesti-
   evolved resistance to Cry3Bb1     mCry3A corn or Cry3Bb1 corn        cide information.
   corn by western corn rootworm in   will be resistant to both mCry3A   So for farmers to be success-
   Iowa. This was the first BT trait for   corn and Cry3Bb1 corn, even if   ful today and in the future a well
   corn rootworm, and was released   one of the traits has never been   planned IPM program that utiliz-
   in 2003. In 2014, Gassmann et al.   used against that population. Ad-  es economics, thresholds and cul-
   showed  field-evolved resistance   ditionally, all of the Bt pyramids   tural practices are the best tools.
                                     targeting  corn  rootworm  con-
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