Page 10 - 2019 Ag Mag
P. 10
A Perspective on Weed Management
KMAland 2019
10 Integrated Pest Management
With every new client species: waterhemp University of Illinois
I would start with a soil and its bigger relative another mode of action
sampling program… palmer amaranth have that waterhemp has be-
and to get started we hit really become the post- come resistant – Group
their standing crops in er children for resistant 15 (Dual, Harness, Out-
early September to pull weeds. Here in the look). That makes for
samples, yes walking – Midwest waterhemp is seven modes of action
fun stuff being a con- prominent in most ar- that waterhemp has
sultant. They had told eas and tends to thrive developed resistance:
Brent Wiersma
Business Representative me about a field of soy- in our current cropping including Group 2 ALS
BASF Corporation beans that had a “few rotations. Palmer ama- (Pursuit, Basis), Group
Urbandale, IA pigweed escapes” from ranth a southern weed 14 PPO (Flexstar, Co-
I Well, that field was my west and slowly becom- (glyphosate), Group
bra), Group 9 EPSP
the Pursuit application. is spreading in the Mid-
In 1996 I was work-
first experience with ing established in more 27 HPPD (Callisto, Ar-
ing as a Crop Consul-
tant in Western Minne- weed resistance – it was areas. mezon), and Group 4
sota. Late that summer completely full of ALS Fast forward to twen- Growth Regulator (2,4-
I added a new client, it resistant waterhemp, ty plus years later… d). Waterhemp is of
was a farming operation and I mean full – it was we recently had con- course not alone in de-
of two brothers. I was a mess. Interesting to firmed by the veloping resistance. In
pleased to add them note about pigweed our area we also have
as a client, they were
well respected, they
had some very good
ground, and at the time
did a great job farming.
It was interesting that
the farmers that I had as
consulting clients were
usually people that
overall did a good job…
it was always the ones
looking for an edge and
how they could gain a
marginal improvement
in yield or profit.