Page 6 - 2019 Ag Mag
P. 6

Integrated Pest Management
     6                                                                                         KMAland 2019

                   Focus on Field Fundamentals

    Crop Scouting is the basis of crop and pest management

       By Ethan Stoetzer                imaging and cropping systems  pathogens, one must know ex-
       Communications Specialist-       designed to help you get the  actly what’s “eating” the plants,
       Integrated Pest Management       most from your soils. To be a  and  how  much  damage  has
       Iowa State University
                                        farmer in the 20th century is to  been done or will likely occur.
 W                                      glamor of new seed treatments  pacting farms in the respective
                                                                        Much of this will be dependent
                                        be a master of interpreting data.
         Welcome to the new era of
                                         But beneath  the  glitz  and  on  the  specific  conditions  im-
       farming: an age of finesse, ana-
       lytics and precision. Complete
       with live yield metrics in the cab   and trait stacks, the do-it-all  area, and even differs on a field
                                        machinery models and hi-tech,  by field basis due to specific ge-
       of the combine, a la cartè seed   data tracking implements, there  netics, soil types, management
       stacks for nearly every environ-  stands an essential foundation  decisions, etc.
       mental issue and pest problem,   for crop and pest management:     While the implementation
       infrared cameras for aerial crop
                                        effective crop scouting. Before  of pictures, videos, GPS track-
                                                    any type of ac-     ing and virtual compendiums
                                                    tion can be taken  of pests has made life simpler,
                                                     to reduce weeds,  nothing is a substitute for put-
                                                      negate    insect  ting on  those  old boots,  don-
                                                       damage and/      ning that ball cap, gassing up
                                                         or  stave off  the pickup and exploring the
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