Page 3 - 2019 Ag Mag
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KMAland 2019 Integrated Pest Management 3
tant State Conservationist. He’s
To the 2019 KMA Ag very good at what he does, has
Mag, a publication that done outstanding conservation
for years has reached work all across the state and I’m
out to KMAland pro- very proud of him.
ducers and landowners DEAN ADKINS But Integrated Pest Manage-
with the intent of pro- ment? What exactly was that?
viding useful and valu- SERVICES DIRECTOR Here’s one definition among
able information from many I found:
various experts in the
field of agriculture, commercial entities and • A sustainable model of managing pest
farmers themselves. pressure.
For the second straight year, the KMA Ag • Employs biological, cultural, physical
Mag is in a pure digital form that is avail- and least toxic pest control products.
able to check out all year at • Long-term results.
As you may recall from last year, it’s a • Minimize economic, health and envi-
first-class, high-level digital offering that ronmental exposure.
allows readers to not only hear the pages So to me this looks like a unified effort to
turn, but the radio commercials as well that control unwanted pests, things like insects
accompany the digital print ads. and weeds in ways that will not only last,
In addition, you’ll find numerous articles but will do so with minimal negative effects
pertaining to this year’s theme, “Integrated on the land, air and water we love.
Pest Management, What Is It and Why Is It Thankfully, in the following pages, there
Important?” are many extremely qualified, fantastic con-
It was my brother, Marty, who gave me tributors to this year’s Ag Mag who will
the idea for this year’s theme. He knows provide much more in-depth insights into
we’ve been putting together spring Ag pub- what Integrated Pest Management is all
lications for a long time and that I’m always about and the action steps that are being
looking for something fresh and most im- taken to implement IPM plans around the
portantly, something producers, landown- state and country.
ers and the general public can benefit great- I’m happy to say Marty is one of those
ly from. contributors.
Marty works for the Iowa Natural Re- It was his idea after all!
sources Conservation Service as an Assis-