Page 12 - KMA Ag Mag 2020
P. 12

KMAland 2020
    12                 Overcoming Current Challenges in the Ag Community

   In tough times, focus on soil health

                                      “below-ground” livestock: the or-  bacteria:fungi populations. My-
                                      ganisms in the soil. But, the ben-  corrhizal fungi form a symbiotic
                                      efits of grazing livestock such as   relationship with nearly every
                                      cattle should not be overlooked.     plant on earth. This beneficial
                                      Manure is a microbe-rich source   relationship helps get nutrients
                                      of natural fertilizer that grazing
                                      animals will spread throughout
                                      the field, and the saliva produced
                                      by grazing animals helps to in-
                                      crease soil organisms’ popula-
                                      tions and activity.
                                         These soil health principles
                                      are based on nature and natu-
                                      ral, not man-made, ecosystems.
                                      Think about the native prairies
                                      of Iowa, the plants that grow in
      By Shannon Moeller, CCA         road ditches, segments of forests   Growing roots help soil take in more water,
  H                                   and timbers along a river, the    and the top growth of cereal rye helps keep

                                                                        weeds away. Photo by: Shannon Moeller
          How is your soil func-
                                      grass waterways and terraces in
      tioning? This should be the
      number one concern on every     row-crop fields. These ecosys-    into plants, and the fungi pro-
                                      tems are generally thriving – in
      farmer’s mind. Soil is not just   draught years and even in wet   duce glomalin, which helps hold
      a growing medium for crops.     years. You don’t see nutrient de-  soil together. Glomalin is one
      Soil is a dynamic ecosystem –   ficiencies in natural ecosystems.   of  the  most  stable components
      the most fundamental ecosys-    You see a diverse mix of plants   of soil organic matter, and what
      tem on earth.                   and shrubs, various types of trees,   gives soil organic matter (SOM)
          There are a few generally-  and lots of different types of ani-  its dark color.
      accepted “soil health” princi-  mals. Even more plentiful will be     While not always the “easi-
      ples and practices. These are:   the organisms underneath.        est” thing to do, incorporating
      disturbing the soil less, use      Natural ecosystems are re-     cover crops into our current
      plant diversity to help diversi-  silient. We should be striving to   corn-soybean rotations in Iowa
      fy soil organisms, keep the soil   make our farms more resilient.   is going to be one of the quickest
      covered & keep a living root    First and foremost, let’s work on   ways to help make our soils more
      in the ground year-round, and   getting our soils balanced. Fungi   resilient. Cover crops  work  on
      incorporate    above-ground     are important and our current     almost all of the soil health prin-
      livestock. Note: I specified    cropping systems are gener-       ciples – keeping a living root in
      “above-ground”      livestock   ally causing soils to, over time,   the ground year-round, keeping
      because I believe first and     become very bacteria-heavy,       the soil covered, adding plant di-
      foremost, farmers should be     rather than having balanced       versity. In a normal year, a cereal
      concerned with feeding their
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