Page 13 - KMA Ag Mag 2020
P. 13

KMAland 2020         Overcoming Current Challenges in the Ag Community                         13

    rye cover crop may have enough     weed pressure, cover crop roots   ture- not just one crop, not just
    fall growth to graze, and can be   help hold soil in place, reducing   one year, not just one field. By
    cut for forage in the spring.      erosion. Not only is reducing     improving soil health, farmers
                                       erosion good for Iowa’s water-    will  improve  resiliency  and  we
                                       ways, but most nutrients are in   will see less erosion, more wa-
                                       the top few inches of soil, held   ter infiltration, less flooding, and
                                       by soil organic matter (SOM).     more nutrient retention in soils,
                                       Each percent of SOM in the top    which will lead to fewer inputs.
                                       6” of soil releases up to 20 lbs of   The best way to find out
                                       nitrogen per year, and can hold   how  your  soil  is functioning is
                                       up  to  90%  its  weight  in  water.   to take a spade to the field and
                                       Given the past few years of wet   do some digging. Healthy soil
      A weed-free soybean field with cereal rye   weather, this may not sound that   is a rich dark color, full of earth-
      cover crop residue               important. However, during the    worms and held together by liv-
      Photo by: Shannon Moeller        dry weeks in July when our crop   ing roots. Healthy soil takes in
                                       plants are rapidly growing, that   rainwater for a longer period of
        By keeping the soil covered    water held in SOM can be a very   time than unhealthy soil. The
    with a cover crop in between       important factor.                 Natural Resources Conservation
    cash crop seasons, this will help     Another way to positively      Service has several soil health
    mitigate weed problems. Weeds      affect soil health is to add small   resources, including different in-
    are nature’s way of healing itself;   grains into the rotation – and   field assessments to try. Be sure
    there’s nothing natural about      diversifying a farming operation   to check then out this spring as
    bare soil, or plants growing in    can help manage risk. There are   you prepare for the 2020 grow-
    perfect rows with bare ground      some local markets for oats such   ing season.
    in between. So, plants that we     as for cover crop use, and Practi-   Shannon Moeller is a Certi-
    consider to be weeds come into     cal Farmers of Iowa has some re-  fied Crop Advisor and lives with
    play, often a mix of grasses and   sources and cost-share opportu-   her husband on their family farm
    broadleaves, and some with ex-     nities with small grains (https://  in northeast Iowa. For the past
    cellent  root  systems  that  help  four years, she has been the Proj-
    make excellent soil structure.     field-crops/small-grains/). The   ect  Coordinator  for  the  Iowa
    The weeds growing in between       early harvest  of a small  grain   Seed Corn Cover Crop Initia-
    the rows of corn help capture      (summer, as opposed to late-fall   tive, a WQI-funded project that
    more sunlight and keep the soil    corn/soy harvest), will provide   works to increase cover crops in
    environment more stable. But,      opportunities for a diverse cover   seed corn production systems
    they also use up  nutrients and    crop, much like some of the pre-  around the state of Iowa. While
    water that the cash crops need.    vent-plant fields of 2019.        she specialized in soils at Iowa
    Having a thick cover crop grow-       While adding cover crops       State University, and in cover
    ing over the winter and early      and transitioning crops to no-till   crops over the past few years, her
    spring can help choke out weeds    has been the big focus over the   main interest lies in Regenera-
    so they don’t get established in   past few years, regenerative ag-  tive Agriculture and other issues
    the early spring, and, if a cereal   riculture is the way of the future.   where agriculture, environment,
    rye cover crop grows to be taller   Regenerative agriculture uses    and climate collide. She enjoys
    than 18” in the spring, the resi-  and expands on the principles     visiting with farmers and learn-
    due can help hold back weeds in    of nature to help increase pro-   ing why they do things the way
    the early stages of the cash crop   ductivity while also improving   they do, and can be reached at
    growing season.                    the environment. Regenerative
        Besides helping to  reduce     agriculture looks at the big pic-
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