Page 4 - KMAland Healthcare Heroes
P. 4

4               A Salute to KMAland Healthcare Heroes                                 KMAland 2021

                                     The VOICES BEHIND

                                                 THE MASKS
                                                 at Montgomery County

                                                     Memorial Hospital

             n late 2019 I remember  an impact on my work life. Yes,  on, I kept hearing more and
             hearing about this virus  I  remembered  being  frightened  more about it and then cases
          Iover in Wuhan, China and  about H1N1 back in 2009.  We  were showing up in the United
        how it was making everyone  got through that virus just fine  States. The little warning light
        who contracted it quite ill. There  and there was very little effect  in my brain was starting to flick-
        were threats that it would make it  on us, I figured this would be the  er. It  didn’t take  long until my
        to the United States but I didn’t  same. Ebola was also very scary  internal warning system was in
        give it a lot of thought. I’ve been  but, again, didn’t really reach us  full alarm mode and I knew we
        doing Infection Prevention and  here in rural Southwest Iowa. I  were in for a ride  and what a ride
        Employee Health for over 20  wrote policies to address these  it has been!
        years and we’ve had a few minor  possible threats but they never   MCMH went into Incident

        outbreaks and concerns over  developed into anything for us.  Command  mode  in  mid-March
        mumps and measles but noth-    I figured Coronavirus would fol-  at the direction of our CEO at
        ing had ever really had much of  low suit. However, as time went  the time, David Abercrombie,
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