Page 6 - KMAland Healthcare Heroes
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6 A Salute to KMAland Healthcare Heroes KMAland 2021
very quickly to adapt to a new inpatient nursing staff give freely I quickly became active in the
practice to ensure the integrity of day in and out. It is because of Incident Command Center (ICC)
patient care was upheld. COVID that we became stronger Labor Pool and became a “Jack
A major focus was to reduce the together and no virus will ever of all Trades”. I helped with mak-
risk of exposure, which meant we break that bond. ing and hanging signage through-
could no longer freely walk in to Christie Welter – Labor Pool out the building, and frequently
a patient’s room, but instead, out- “Jack of all Trades” having to make changes to those
side the room, properly and safely same signs as our situation was
put on our PPE (personal protec- very fluid. MCMH discontinued
can’t remember the exact date
tive equipment) which consists of I utilizing volunteers for the MCMH
it happened, but I remem-
shoe/hair covering, resistant gown, Mobile Meals service, so I became
ber the feelings I had once
gloves, face shield along with two MCMH enacted their Emergency a daily meal delivery person. Soon,
masks or a high efficiency PAPR I added Grocery Courier to my
(powered air purifying respirator), Operations Plan for COVID. plate, as MCMH started offering
which is a unit worn over the head Suddenly, the world felt very grocery delivery to area residents.
to reduce the risk of transmis- uncertain, almost like waiting for Several hours were spent cutting
sion of infectious agents spread the proverbial shoe to drop. There materials and elastic for volun-
by the airborne route. Post care, was still so much unknown about teers to sew masks. I worked with
from being at the bedside and “
we remove our PPE and properly COVID and what would happen many coworkers in cutting and
dispose. When dressing for pro- when it “hit” MCMH. sewing PPE gowns for our use,
tection, nursing has to be creative I had recently taken a new posi- as the nationwide PPE shortage
by focusing on the best approach grew. I worked at the entrances as
in providing quality patient care needed, screening staff and visitors
while creating a safe and mean- During this time for COVID-19 symptoms before
I never knew entering the building. MCMH
the fear of loneliness and isolation worked to be proactive during this
caused by COVID. what my day time, trying to anticipate what
The psychosocial effect of this roadblocks we may run into, and I
virus is emotionally devastating would bring or helped with those processes how-
for patients. Families are restricted what I would be ever I was able.
By mid-May, we realized COVID
resorting to technology such as doing. wasn’t going away any time soon,
a smart phone or iPad to see and but we were in a position where
communicate with their loved one. I was able to return to my regular
For some patients, the nursing staff position. Even in doing so, I con-
were the only faces, covered in tinue to help with screening at the
PPE, a patient would see for days tion as Women’s Health Navigator hospital entrances, Mobile Meals,
and even weeks. in the Women’s Health Clinic. I was and grocery courier. I want to com-
The virus also attacked the emo- just starting to find my groove with mend the entire MCMH team, as
ingful relationship to help ease “
tional and physical well-being of meeting patients and understand- many wore different hats through-
the nursing staff. COVID is relent- ing the clinic flow when COVID out this pandemic, and continue to
less and has no borders. It does hit. I was re-assigned to work in do so. Our teamwork was second
take into effect the pain caused to the Marketing Department, and to none.
those who answered their calling to helped with whatever needed to Kris Williams,
the profession or to those who lost be done to keep our patients and Surgical Services Manager
their battle against COVID. What staff safe.
COVID does not do is damper the During this time I never knew
spirit and the TEAM work that our what my day would bring or
what I would be doing. In short,