Page 10 - UNAM Forum ED2-2021
P. 10

his year’s early winter hurled   cannot begin to imagine how    coronavirus pandemic, which
               in an exciting end for the   you managed to complete            shook the very foundation of the
               students of the University   your academic studies let alone    University  of Namibia’s services
         Tof Namibia,  as thousands         conduct research and submit        and prompted major change in
          of them gathered online to        a project or a dissertation,”      long-held beliefs about learning,
          celebrate their hard work and a   remarked a proud chancellor.       teaching and assessment  as
          new lease on life.                                                   Namibia and the world hurried to
                                            UNAM     Vice-Chancellor,   Prof.  embrace online technology.
          Patently, graduation is a highly   Kenneth Matengu, echoed the
          anticipated    occasion,    but   Chancellor’s sentiments.           Despite insurmountable odds, the
          unlike many other graduation                                         University of Namibia graduated
          ceremonies before the class       “Most students overcame great      4,839 students, a total of 16 PhDs
          of 2020, this year’s graduation   personal difficulties to graduate,   in areas of critical importance to
          carried a unique vitality, to some   many of them are still recovering   national development, and 44
          hitherto unseen.                  from swollen feet as they walked   medical doctors, respectively.
                                            great distances  to access  the
          The character of the class        internet or attend class. No two   Despite  it being a second time
          of  2020   ensued    something    stories are the same, however,     to  host  a  virtual graduation,
          profound but was best  said       they all mirror persistence  and   students, though separated by
          by  UNAM Chancellor, H.E. Dr      hard work” emphasized Prof.        space, eagerly awaited the
          Nangolo Mbumba, during the        Matengu.                           occasion to excite  a palpable
          delivery of his address. “I have                                     triumph over their challenges.
          to acknowledge that 2020  was     His remarks follow a year after
          a particularly difficult year. I   the outbreak of the global        The students had something

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