Page 6 - UNAM Forum ED2-2021
P. 6

cientists have gained the  DESY scientist Sylvia Zhu, one of the  the University of Namibia (UNAM)
                best view yet of the brightest  authors of the paper. “They are the  were hosting the international High
                explosions in the universe: A  biggest explosions in the universe  Energy Astrophysics in Southern
         Sspecialised observatory in  and associated with the collapse  Africa (HEASA 2019) conference in
          Namibia has  recorded the most  of a rapidly rotating massive star  Swakopmund, Namibia,  between
          energetic radiation and longest  to a black hole. A fraction of the  August 28 and 30 that year. A
          gamma-ray afterglow of a so-      liberated   gravitational  energy  good part of the attendees were
          called gamma-ray burst (GRB) to   feeds the production of an ultra-  H.E.S.S. members, but by far not
          date. The observations with the  relativistic blast wave. Their emission  all of them,” recalls Dr Michael
          High Energy Stereoscopic System  is divided into two distinct phases:  Backes,  the head of  the H.E.S.S.
          (H.E.S.S.) challenge the established  an initial chaotic prompt phase  group at UNAM.
          idea of how gamma-rays are  lasting tens of seconds, followed
          produced in these colossal stellar  by a long-lasting, smoothly fading  The event, catalogued as GRB
          explosions which are the birth cries  afterglow phase.”              190829A according to its date of
          of black holes, as the international                                 occurrence, turned out to be one
          team reports in the journal Science.  On 29 August 2019 the satellites  of the nearest gamma-ray bursts
                                            Fermi    and    Swift   detected   observed so far, with a distance
          “Gamma-ray bursts are bright X-ray   a  gamma-ray   burst  in   the  of about one billion lightyears. For
          and gamma-ray flashes observed    constellation of Eridanus. “I do  comparison: The typical gamma-
          in the sky, emitted by distant  well recall the first internal ‘buzz’  ray burst is about 20 billion lightyears
          extragalactic sources,” explains  about the event. Our team from  away. “We were really sitting in the

         The comparatively short

         distance to this gamma-ray burst

         allowed detailed measurements

         of the afterglow’s spectrum...

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