Page 2 - UNAM Forum ED2-2021
P. 2

NBS to solve
                                                                       Namibia drought
                                                                       challenge, pg 4

                                                                      Gamma-ray bursts
                                                                      challenged, pg 6

                                                                      The safety of
                                                                      journalists, pg 12

          University of Namibia
          UNAM FORUM - Ed 2 (2021)
          UNAM Forum is published by the Communications and Marketing Department covering   Chief Editor: John Haufiku
          news and events of the University  of Namibia. UNAM Forum does  not necessarily   Editor: John Rittmann
          reflect the official views and opinions of the management of the University of Namibia.     Compiled By: John Rittmann
          Text material may be reproduced freely with attribution to UNAM Forum and author,   Layout/DTP: John Rittmann
          where applicable. All rights to photographs and illustrations are reserved. Permission to   Photography: Lisle Izaks; Wilhelm Kafita
          reproduce must be obtained from the University of Namibia.
          © UNAM 2021
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