Page 23 - Professorial Lecture - Prof Kasanda
P. 23

Table 2 (e). Students’ performance in mathematics at UNAM 2014

          Module                 Enrollment     Exam       Passes    % Passes
                                 (=Total   enrolled   Admission
          MAT3511                939            816        574       61.12
          Basic Mathematics      1799           1457       903       50.19
          MAT3501                385            330        235       61.03
          Analytic Geometry      516            406        288       55.81
          MAT3521                363            313        260       71.62
          Matrices & Complex Numbers   504      396        310       61.51
          MAT3512                731            612        310       42.41
          Pre-calculus           836            703        355       42.46
          MAT3580                860            641        329       38.26
          Basic  Mathematics  A  (Slow
          MAT3520                131            76         53        40.46
          Analytic Geo A
          (Slow Stream)
          MAT3540                141            83         50        35.46
          Matrices & Complex Numbers A
          SMAT3570               105            91         45        42.86
          Pre-calculus A
          (Slow Stream)
          MAT3611                312            241        118       37.82
          Calculus 1
          MAT3612                280            176        89        31.79
          Calculus 2
          (Source: Department of Mathematics, Student Exams Results Stats 2010-


          “In 2014 an extra lecture group was introduced at 1  year level, except for
          Pre-calculus – and helped reduce the perennial overcrowding in lectures.
          One can see the significant improvement in the pass rates for the first 3
          courses.  However,  the  Slow  Stream  Pass  rates  are  still  low  (Emphasis
          added).  The  numbers  in italics  indicate the  totals  for  the Fast  and  Slow

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