Page 8 - UNAM Forum Ed1-2021
P. 8
A peek at UNAM’s new School of Dentistry
he science of dentistry Surgery student, Ruweda The School of Dentistry is the
has largely been Davids, was surprised when youngest department in the
associated with the she found out about the Faculty of Health Sciences
Tmechanical exercise of dental surgery programme and is committed to be one
only removing rotten teeth, and enrolled shortly after of the best dental surgery
however, modern clinical completing a four year schools on the continent.
dentistry is more than the degree in dental technology,
extraction of teeth and the at a South African University. Prof. Gutknecht further
School of Dentistry aims to She further states that, adds that the University of
shine a new and different light studying in Namibia has a Namibia‘s dental school
on Dentistry as an innovative number of benefits - it is more offers students a great lead
modern academic profession affordable and the standard that is hard to find elsewhere.
in Namibia. of education is better. “Students have the privilege
of practicing in the best
The school was established in Associate Dean of the stimulating laboratories,
2018, as a means to an end, School of Dentistry, Professor equipped with modern
which will offer Namibian Norbert Gutknecht remarked phantom heads and
students a chance to that “The dental school undergo pre-clinical and
study dentistry on home follows a well-accepted clinical training which most
grounds at a much higher and recognized curriculum schools in Africa and the
standard than that offered similar to the University of world do not offer to foreign
internationally. Stellenbosch and that of the students, or at least not in a
Queens Mary, University of fully equipped laboratory’
Third year Bachelor of Dental London”. said Prof Gutknecht.
8 Official Newsletter