Page 9 - UNAM Forum Ed1-2021
P. 9
design (CAD) and computer-
aided manufacturing (CAM)
software’s that make it
possible for dentists to perform
complex procedures faster,
more easily and accurately.
CADCAM introduces laser
dentistry and other high
technical subjects that will
only be taught to students
from the fourth year onwards.
Dentistry is a highly technical
field which means it is an
extremely costly field of study.
The school of dentistry is
growing into establishing
a fully equipped dentistry
through stages. Currently,
the school is working towards
completing senior (fourth
Dental surgeon students are and fifth year) laboratories UNAM Vice Chancellor, Prof Kenneth Matengu,
being introduced to the Phantom Head Lab, by Prof.
educated and trained to before the next academic Norbert Gutknecht.
the highest standard, in order year despite the challenge
to enable them to practice that finances pose.Prof
all over the world and meet Gutknecht expressed
the growing demand of great gratitude towards
Namibia’s developing dentist the Vice Chancellor for his
fraternity. The Head of the great support towards the
Prosthodontic Department, Dr. establishment of the school.
Frank Schwartzman explained
that “dentistry in Namibia is very “I am also very happy and
developed, therefore, we are thankful, that our Vice
not only educating students for Chancellor Prof. Matengu is
state hospitals but to open their of such a great support to the
own practices and to replace growth of our dental school”.
us as lecturers. We are preparing
them for 1st class world”. The emergence of the
School of Dentistry can be
Senior Dental Laboratory likened to the process of
Technician, Hannes Henn, growing teeth which is largely
added that, “Students are exciting, indispensable, and
equipped for the future a challengingly long journey
and that involves having a before seeing the first tooth
very good understanding of - in spite of the schools
dental technology including remarkable success so far
CADCAM. CADCAM is highly there is a protracted journey
computerized dentistry that ahead towards seeing the
involves computer-aided first cohort of graduates.
9 Official Newsletter