Page 5 - Professorial Lecture - Professor Mapaure
P. 5

Tourism  is  a  social,  cultural  and  economic  phenomenon  which  entails  the
          movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for
          personal,  business  or  professional  purposes  (United  Nations  World  Tourism
          Organization  (UNWTO),  2016).  People  who  partake  in  such  activities  are  called
          visitors, and they can either be residents (locals) or non-residents (international
          tourists).  Wildlife-based  tourism  is  that  (tourism)  which  is  undertaken  to  view
          and/or  encounter  wild  flora  and  fauna.  These  days  there  is  the  concept  of
          ecotourism, which largely refers to responsible tourism in natural areas.

          Tourism is one of the largest income earners for many countries in the world. In
          southern  Africa,  tourism  contributes  significantly  to  the  economies  of  most
          countries (Figures 1-2), and the industry ranks among the top contributors to GDP
          in most countries (Table 1). The bulk of tourism activities are based on biodiversity,
          including game viewing.

               2014 Receipts (US$ million)  1200




          Figure 1:  Contribution  of  tourism to  the GDP of  selected  countries in southern
          Africa (UNWTO, 2015). South Africa is highest at 9348 million US$ Receipts.

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