Page 15 - Professorial Lecture - Prof Oyedele
P. 15


           Director of Ceremony, as could be expected, there are some factors that
           can contribute to higher levels of radiation or contribute to the threat posed
           by ionizing radiation. Some of these factors are:

           Uranium mining activities

           As uranium is mined, there is more radioactivity and this can lead to higher
           levels  of  radiation.  However,  the  mining  companies  take  measures  to
           minimize the radiation or keep the level of radiation to a minimum.

           Accidental fallout from neighbouring countries

           If a neighbouring country is operating a nuclear power reactor and there is
           accidental fallout from the reactor, there could be an increase in the level
           of  ionizing  radiation  in  the  countries  surrounding  it.  An  example  is  the
           Chernobyl nuclear accident in April 1986, in Ukraine.

           Trafficking and theft

           Trafficking  or  smuggling  or  theft  of  radioactive  materials  may  expose
           innocent people to high levels of radiation. This is because you may not
           know if the person sitting near you in a vehicle or in a public place is carrying
           a  radioactive  material.  Or  you  may  not  know  if  radioactive  material  is
           illegally kept in the room or office adjacent to yours. Of course, as I said
           earlier, we cannot see or smell radiation.

           Orphan sources

           Orphan  sources  are,  generally,  small  radioactive  sources  produced
           legitimately  and  used  for  activities  such  as  radiography,  medical
           radiotherapy  or  irradiation,  electricity  generation  in  radioisotope
           thermoelectric generators, etc. But the sources were later abandoned or
           lost  or  misplaced  or  stolen.  Consequently,  they  are  no  longer  subject  to
           regulation and they could be taken – either knowingly or unknowingly - to
           the general public without any shielding.
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