Page 18 - Professorial Lecture - Prof Omoregie
P. 18

          Most of the major pollutants of concern in the marine environment are human
          induced  mainly  as  a  result  of  industrialization  and  human  quest  for  natural
          resources   anthropogenic induced stressors.

          Chemical inputs to and distribution within the aquatic system . From Di Giulio and
                                     Hinton (2008)

          Pollution (in whatever form) as reported by UNEP (Sherman and Hempel, 2008) is
          among the four major complex marine environmental problems, the others
             1.  Habitat modification
             2.  Overfishing and other threats to aquatic living resources
             3.  Global warming

          In the Proceeding published by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism on a
          Workshop on ‘Environmental Problems in Namibia’ (Zeidler et al., 2001), pollution
          was listed as one of the priority issues of concern regarding environmental quality
          in the country.

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