Page 27 - Professorial Lecture - Prof Omoregie
P. 27

(Raghukumar et al. 2001) as well as direct impacts on organisms (Bluhm, 1994;
          1999; Shirayama, 1999; Ingole et al. 1999).

          In  addition,  Markussen  (1994)  reported  that  the  propulsion  system  of  the
          collector  unit  will  stir  up  sediments;  as  a  result,  organisms  in  and  around  the
          tracks  will  be  partially  or  entirely  buried.  In  the  mining  tracks,  for  instance,  a
          mortality rate of
          95 – 100% may be expected for organisms found there.

          The  BCLME  is  already  a  zone  of  sporadic  sulphide  eruption  due  to  certain
          biochemical process taking place within the sediments. Director of Ceremonies,
          Ladies  and  Gentlemen, let me  state categorically clear, that disturbance to  the
          nutrient-rich sediment of the BCLME is likely to set up series of events that would
          further aggravate the incidence of sulphide eruption. One of such events will be
          the  additional  load  of  nutrients  into  the  water  column  (from  within  the
          sediments)    with  the  result  effects  of  de-oxygenation  in  the  water  column
          (devastating for both the aquaculture and fishing industries).

          The process of concentrating phosphorite mud at sea through screening and then
          de-sliming  and  the  eventual  treatment  in  a  phosphoric acid  plant  are  series  of
          events  that  lead  to  increasing  levels  of  certain  mineral  elements  in  the  water
          column as well as increasing acidification.

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