Page 18 - Orthopedic Casting Manual
P. 18

2.2 Essential Tools and Equipment

            The application of a cast involves various tools and equipment, each ser ving a
            specific pur pose:

            •   Padding Materials
                ◦   Cotton Padding: Used with plaster casts for cushioning and to prevent

                    skin ir ritation.
                ◦   Synthetic Padding: Compatible with fiberglass casts and water-resistant

                ◦   Stockinette: A tubular layer applied directly to the skin, providing an

                    additional bar rier bet ween the cast and the skin LGalloway et al., 2022M.

            •   Casting Rolls
                ◦   Plaster Rolls: Used for traditional casts, easily molded to fit anatomical

                ◦   Fiberglass Rolls: Stronger and lighter, these rolls are the standard for most

                    moder n casts.
            •   Cutting and Trimming Tools
                ◦   Oscillating Saw: Essential for safe removal of hardened casts. The sawʼs

                    oscillating blade cuts through the material without har ming the patientʼs
                ◦   Cast Scissors: Used for trimming during application or for splinting.

            •   Mixing Tools
                ◦   Buckets and Bowls: Used to moisten casting rolls. Water temperature is

                    critical; war m water accelerates setting time, while cool water slows it.

            •   Protective Gear
                ◦   Gloves, aprons, and masks protect the practitioner from dust, resin, and

                    other materials.
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